Wellous Product Verification

Verify the authenticity of your Wellous products here

Why Should You Verify Your Wellous Products After Purchase?

It is important to verify your Wellous products after purchase and we highly encourage every one of our customers to do so. By verifying your purchase, you will be able to confirm the authenticity of your Wellous products, ensuring that you have received genuine, high-quality items. This verification process helps protect you from counterfeit Wellous products. Take the extra steps to verify and safeguard your health and well-being.

How to Verify Your Wellous Products?

Following the step-by-step guide below, you can easily verify the authenticity of any Wellous products you have purchased.

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Step 1: Download QR reader

Download any QR code reader app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Wellous product verification and checking

Step 2: Scan the QR code

Scan the QR code on the back of your Wellous product packaging. Each QR code can only be verified once.

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Step 3: Wait for the reveal

Fill in the relevant information on the authentication form, and the following messages will be shown to help you determine the authenticity of your Wellous product.

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This message box will appear if your purchase is original.

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This message box will appear if your purchase is fake or if you have entered a wrong security code or information.

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